Recall Management System

Our stand-alone so­lu­tion al­lows you to cen­tral­ly con­trol and mo­ni­tor all pro­ces­ses of a re­call, from the col­lec­tion of cus­to­mer and pro­duct data, to the col­lec­tion or dis­po­sal of the de­fec­tive goods, to the cus­to­mer so­lu­tion (e.g. re­pair or re­place­ment).

This al­lows you to or­ga­nize, co­or­di­nate and exe­cute re­gio­nal, na­tio­nal and in­ter­na­tio­nal re­call cam­paigns. Within a few weeks, the sys­tem is set up, con­fi­gured and cus­to­mized ac­cor­ding to your spe­ci­fi­ca­tions so that you can quick­ly col­lect, ex­change or re­pair de­fec­tive or faulty equip­ment. In­ter­faces and frame­work agree­ments with glo­bal­ly ope­ra­ting lo­gis­tics pro­vi­ders and ser­vice cen­ters gua­ran­tee a smooth pro­cess.

Your customizable recall portal

Ac­cor­ding to your re­quire­ments, we de­ve­lop a re­call por­tal adap­ted to your wi­shes and needs. This can be built from dif­fe­rent mo­dules to sim­pli­fy your re­call pro­cess.

All components at a glance

Process control

The com­plete re­call pro­cess can be con­trol­led via the Re­call Ma­na­ge­ment System. Star­ting with the re­gis­tra­tion up to the pro­cess com­ple­tion. It is pos­si­ble to run the pro­cess com­plete­ly au­to­ma­ted or par­tial­ly au­to­ma­ted. This means that pro­ces­ses can also be pro­ces­sed in­di­vi­dual­ly. A cen­tral con­trol tower is available to mo­nitor the entire control.

Case Tracking

The core com­po­nent of re­turns ma­na­ge­ment is case tra­cking. It creates trans­pa­ren­cy in the entire pro­cess chain, so that every­one in­volved is al­ways in­formed about the status of each ser­vice case and the sub­se­quent steps. Lo­gis­tics as well as re­pair and work­shop pro­ces­ses are trans­pa­rent­ly re­cor­ded in the his­tory.

End customer registration

As an in­put op­tion we of­fer the end cus­to­mer re­gis­tra­tion as a mo­dule. Du­ring re­gis­tra­tion, the end cus­to­mer goes through various in­put checks in or­der to avoid in­cor­rect re­call. The mo­dule can be de­signed in the in­di­vi­dual cus­to­mer de­sign.

Call Center Modul

The Call Center Mo­dule can be used to en­ter and pro­cess cus­to­mer or­ders. With this type of re­call en­try em­plo­yees have ad­di­tio­nal in­put op­tions avail­able.

Escalation management

Iden­ti­fy pro­blems be­fore they arise. The in­te­gra­ted es­ca­lation ma­na­ge­ment mo­ni­tors the re­call pro­ces­ses and, if ne­ces­sary, com­mu­ni­cates with the re­spec­tive re­spon­si­ble part­ners and in­forms them via va­rious chan­nels about pos­sible dif­fi­cul­ties ari­sing in the pro­ces­sing of the pro­ces­ses.

Address validation

To en­sure that goods are picked up at the right point and de­li­vered to the cor­rect des­ti­na­tion ad­dress, the sys­tem checks the ac­cu­racy and plau­si­bi­li­ty of ad­dres­ses. This eli­mi­nates de­lays by the lo­gis­tics pro­vider in ful­fil­ling ser­vices.

Plausibility check

When a trans­ac­tion is created, the sys­tem already checks whe­ther the de­vice or se­rial num­ber has al­ready been re­gis­tered and avoids double entry. Further checks to pre­vent fraud at­tempts can also be in­te­gra­ted. For example, fake e-mail ad­dres­ses can be de­tec­ted and fil­tered, or pho­tos can be re­ques­ted to vali­date the serial num­bers during re­gis­tra­tion.

Master data management

All mas­ter data stored in the sys­tem can be easi­ly ma­naged, up­da­ted and main­tained. Whether auto­ma­ted up­load of com­plete data sets or ma­nual main­tenance of in­di­vi­dual da­ta sets, the mas­ter data ma­na­ge­ment can be easi­ly adap­ted to all require­ments.

Document creation

The system sup­ports the auto­ma­ted creation of all re­quired ship­ping do­cu­ments, from the de­li­ve­ry bill to the ad­dress label, for the fastest pos­sible further pro­ces­sing of the trans­ac­tion and the clear iden­ti­fi­ca­tion of the goods.

Customer communication

Cus­to­mer com­mu­ni­ca­tion is usually done via e-mail. After vali­da­tion of the cus­to­mer e-mail, the cus­to­mer re­ceives re­gu­lar status up­dates about the pro­cess flow.


Re­ports can be created on the ba­sis of the ex­ten­sive­ly re­cor­ded his­tory data and, in addi­tion, the re­cor­ded raw data can be used for in­de­pen­dent eva­lu­ation.

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Advantages of our Recall Management System

  • Free scaling thanks to cloud-based server technology
  • Shorter turnaround times to increase customer satisfaction and productivity
  • Control and transparency of all processes
  • Customer- and product-specific concepts for process control
  • Flexible adjustments during recall in case of market or availability changes
  • Identify stalled processes before they become a problem
  • End customer loyalty through positive service experience
  • Reliable handling of several million transactions in the shortest possible time
  • Creation according to own style specifications on request
  • End customer as well as call center recording possible
    • Call center: individual reaction to customer situation with solution alternatives
  • Individual validation to check the recall process
    • Validation of product, e-mail address, serial number, etc. to avoid duplications and errors
Our claim is to offer your customers a positive customer experience despite the negative event.

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